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My life revolves around my two children. Don't mistake it because they are my children but yet dogs. Everyday I make decisions based on them. They are my world. Their names are Atlas and Talayla. My youngest is Atlas, and he is about 1 year and 4 months. He is the white one. Talayla is going to be turning 4 years old on July 8th. Her birthday is the day before mine. 

My name is Sabrina, and I also go by Snowflake because I love to Snowboard. Due to an accident I don't do it anymore because I value my life. I am about to turn 26 on July 9th. I am going to school for a biology degree in hopes to help save endangered species one day. I am vegan, active, and live a healthy lifestyle. My life revolves around my dogs. We do outdoors stuff majority of the time, but school takes up a lot of my time. I do lots of hikes, school, and hang out with my dogs. I am most passionate about my animals, but I am also passionate about sharing my empathy for animals because I would like to be able to show people the value in all animals lives. I won't go too much into that because it is a hot topic, but I do want to make it known that all lives matter, and I enjoy spreading awareness, empathy, and the health aspects of diet choices. 

As for the question what do I hope to gain out of my media course. I have no idea, because I am not sure what to expect. I believe that media as very negative aspects about it. For me, it is a way that people bully other people. Of course, I do believe it has some benefits, but I do think it has more cons than anything. I actually deleted my Facebook account last term because I got a lot of hate comments for my compassion with all animals. I am absolutely not willing to activate another account because I very much so dislike Facebook. I am hoping to see the positive light when it comes to media. Perhaps, I can find the people who use it for the good, and stay away from the ones who use it for the bad. Okay, this it from me for now. Have a good day.



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