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Alita: Blog Project Week Four

Alita is a movie that I have wanted to see for a while. This trailer first showed over a year ago. The anticipation was horrible, and I don't think the movie is out yet. It's about a girl robot, and a man found parts of her body. He put her back together. Later, he brought her back to life, and he became her father one would say. Alita came across as kind, loving, confused, and strong. In the movie she is in love with a human. I picked this as a movie ad because it touched my heart. Even when we don't know who we are, we can still find strength within ourselves. Below I shared a link to the movie trailers.


The movie ad started out with Alita waking waking up, and saying "I don't mean to be rude, but should I know you?" It goes into the man who found her robot body. He out her back together, but they don't show that part in the ad. She is confused in the ad, and it's almost a feeling of being lost. They show other characters that are after her, but these are other robots. Her "father" says "Alita they will come for you." She ask why, and he replies because "I think you are someone who is special." The video show small scenes of battle scenes, and Alita is strong in them. Another part of the ad is where she is talking to a human saying that she would give him everything even her heart. She pulled her heart out of chance to hand it to the boy. I think that they use feeling to invoke the product. Alita seems strong and special. It seems to be the big point of the ad. The music in the background is "The Arms of an Angle."
It is an emotional brand.

Theme Song/Trailer Song

The movie comes from a video game. I know that I have seen the video game years ago, but I never played it. The game is
familiar, but I never put the video together with the game.The man who put Alita back together seems familiar, but I am not sure who who he is. I think I have seen one of the actors in a movie called Red Eye, but I don't think it was the same person. Other people in the movie include Rosa Salazar, Christoph Watlz, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Skrein, Mahershala Ali, Jackie Earle, and Eiza Gonzalez. The main character Alita I do not know her. One of the actors named Keean Johnson I knew in several other movies.

Keean Johnson

I found that the ad ranges from 1:40 to 2:24 mins. I thought that I have seen other trailers on T.V, but I never could find different ones on Youtube. They were all the same ad, so I didn't use the URL in my blogs. I tried to use a different variety of information for the blog though. It is not part of a larger campaign or a serious of ads. One thing that I did find out by the movie is it was bought in the 1990's. The movie had been waiting for the right technology to come out to capture Alita's eyes. One of the previous URL's that I posted discusses this information. The man who made the Avatar is also one of the directors who made this movie. I thought this was fascinating. The movie comes out on July 20, 2018. I am not exactly sure when the movie was first broadcast. I tried to find the information, but I could not find it on the internet. I think that I first heard this trailer over a year ago though because I have been waiting for such a long time for it to be released.

Emotional branding: I think that this is used the most in this ad because of the mix of feelings with in the ad. I found that there was love, loyalty, trust, sadness, strength, and unity. I think the target audience are the ones who hold a lot of empathy. These are values that people hold and want. I think the ad specifically targeted these, so that people would buy a movie ticket. The girl first woke not knowing who she is, but she ended up being a battle warrior. This is a big deal for people who feel lost in the world. This is why I think it is an emotional branding. I could be wrong, but I am going with this one. This ad is incorporating a story-telling. It is a story about a girl who was broken. A robot to be exact. It is about a girl who was put back together. It is a story about someone who found strength even when they did not know who they. It starts out with a man finding her body, and he put her back together. As far as I could tell, it will end with her in a huge battling saving herself. The movie as does effectively make use of the medium/platform because of where the movie is originating from. It is coming from a video game. This is apart of the medium/platform.

Blogs Alita

This ad is nothing like I have ever seen before. I have not seen any ads similar to this movie ad before. I don't watch a lot of movies, so maybe if I did, I would be able to find something similar. I just don't believe there will be any movie like this one. I previously stated that the movie rights was bought out for the movie is the 1990's. The directors were waiting for the right time to make the movie. I think that says a lot about if it is similar to anything. This is a new ad to me. Alita's eyes are a good example of the new. I think that it could be a mixture of both though. There have been other movies that been made out of video games like Silent Hill, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Need for Speed, and Warcraft. When comparing movies made from video games, it is not new. But, I think the type of movie is new. It is unique. I believe it will be an excellent movie when it hits the theaters. I think it will sale a lot as well.

The target audience are people who hold a lot of feelings within their heart. At least I think this is the target audience. It is the people who can relate. The ones who don't know who they are, but they are still strong. They are the people who's hair stands up on their skin when they see the commercial of this movie. It's the type of people who can find their strength even in their darkest hours. It is also for the people who played the video game while growing up. Perhaps, people still play the video game. I believe the target audience are the people who can relate to Alita, and the people who like video games.

I did not find any type of the message offensive. I think that this is going to be a great movie to be honest.
I did not find any weakness in the ad. I found only strengths into the ad. The strengths are grabbing a hold of the emotional aspects of people. The director grabs a hold of values in this movie. It makes a connection with people, and I believe that this is the a strength of the movie. One example is love. It is when Alita pulls out her robot heart, and she hands it to the boy that she loves. It is in the commercial. She says "I would give you anything. I would even give you my heart." Almost everyone wants love, so I think that this is a value that the director added to the movie. It adds another element like family which is also important to us. Alita is a robot, but in the movie she has the ability to cry. She cried when she said "I don't want to be rude, but am I suppose to know you." This is another example of the emotional strength that the directors captured in the movie. They captured that robots have the ability to feel emotions. Alita has the ability to feel emotions. Even in the advertisement the type of music that they used was emotional. They used "In the Arms of an Angle." The directors strength was capturing the emotional aspect of everything. They captured it in the advertisement which is more specifically was is needed to be addressed during the evaluation. I think that is memorable. I think that I am a good example because I have not forgotten about this movie since I first heard about it. Everything about it makes me want to watch it. It's memorable for me because it touched my heart. I can't forget it. I do think that the movie will connect with the target audience, and we will find out when the movie comes out on July 20th. It connects because all the emotions that are put into it. It also connects with the target audience because it was a very popular video game.

Advertisement has been used for a long time in order to get the word out about this movie. The URL that I posted below came out in 2015. It is an article of James Cameron and the Robert Rodriquez. These are the two directors that made the movie together. Social media has been used as long as it has been around. If it wasn't around, I don't think this movie would be known so quickly. The company is able to use articles to be able to get the word out about Alita. But, James Cameron is known for Avatar, so this also helps a lot with Alita. I found that the company uses Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts to advertise Alita. I would say that it is working as far as how popular the movie is. I have also found other blogs on Alita which are within my blog. Now, I will be another blog that adds to the movie. As far as I could tell, everyone has said great things about Alita. I did not find anything negative about the movie or directors.

Fox Slots 'Alita' Against 'Aquaman' And 'Bumblee,' Pits Hercule Poirot Against James BondWell, December 21, 2018 just became the most insanely crowded weekend of the year. 

"Fox just did its thing where it plays musical chairs with its movies and wreaks not a little havoc on the release schedule."

I found on the URL located below that Alita is actually being released on December 20th. Which is confusing because the trailer said it was being released on July 20th. Now, I am just now sure what date it is being released. I found that on this Forbes article that Aquaman and Bumblebee will be released on December 21, 2018. According to Forbes, these two films are very important. From my understanding Forbes has good things to say about all three movies being released on the same week. To add to that Forbes added that all three movies will be released right before Christmas, and it will be hectic. "The problem is that Dec. 21 is currently the opening day for DC Films’ Aquaman and Paramount/Viacom Inc.’s Bumblebee. Both are pretty important releases for their respective studios and even those two opening on the same day would have been a little crazy, let alone three big action fantasy franchise offerings all going after the Christmas traffic." Forbes brought passed movies that had the same situation happen, but it stray away from the point. The point was to talk about Alita. The name of the article is

According to this second out the first commercial came out on December 8, 2017. This add also says that James Cameron has been working on this movie since 1995, so that information that I brought up earlier in my blog is correct. That is such a long time to be working on a movie! "Now, it is worth understanding the history behind James Cameron’s involvement with this project. In that, this is something that he has been working on in the background since the 1995 Ghost in the Shell anime film came out." From both of the article that I have read the movie is gonna be a great movie! I sure hope so! It doesn't take much to understand that I have been wrapped up in wanting to watch this movie since day one of the first trailer. I do want to see the movie. One could say that based on the ad that I am interested in it. I absolutely would recommend it to other people, and I have already talked to other people about the movie. My friends and I watched the trailer for it about three months ago. They also liked the trailer, and they would like to see the movie as well.

I learned that James Cameron is one of the of the directors for Alita. He also is the director that made the movie Avatar. If I am correct, that movie made the most out of any movie ever made. I know the movie Avatar took a long time to make, and it was excellent. I look forward to watching Alita as well, and I have a strong feeling that it will be amazing to. It surprised me to know that the movie was a made from a video game. I didn't know it, and I had no idea. It surprised me because I do remember the video game from when I was a little kid. I wouldn't be able to say if I ever played the game. I just recognized the video game from when I was a kid. it is was a fascinating moment for me, and one that I very much so forgot about. I have also seen the ad to the movie numerous amounts of times, so I did not have many conclusion besides this information that I found thru another Youtube video. Also, I am not sure if I have the dates mixed up, but the movie comes out on July 20th or December 20th. I think it doesn't come out until December though which makes a long time to wait for a movie.


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