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Forum Week 9

TOPIC 1: MUSIC'S INFLUENCE --  As the textbook authors have noted: "Throughout its history, popular music has been banned by parents, school officials and even governments under the guise of protecting young people from corrupting influences."  Think about your own experiences in listening to music or seeing it performed.

Music Influence as a Child
When I was about 8 years old, my brother gave me some CD's. I think that they were Spanish music. I don't believe it was all in English. I will admit it was not appropriate for a child to be listening to. I think he also told me not to tell our mom, so I didn't tell. One day, we were at the doctors office. We were parked in the parking lot. I was just listening to music because that was something I would always do. I would always carry around a CD player and headphones. My mom realized what I had been listening to at the time. She took away the CD, and she got really mad. I think the music talked about sex, and it also said b***h. I actually liked the music. It wasn't the lyrics, but it was more so the actual tunes of the music. It made me really upset that she took away my music. I did not think it was fair. I also had already been listening to it for a while, so I didn't think it matter at that point. I would say that my mom was trying to protect me, but there were other things I needed to be protected from during those times. Music certainly was not one of the things that i needed to be protected from. I was also listing to 50 cent's older music as a child. I'd say that was some pretty dirty music, but no one ever stopped me from listening to his music. This is the only time that I can think of when someone tried to "protect" me from music. I have also never told anyone "hey you shouldn't be listening to that." I have never found a reason to say stuff like that. I guess I also don't think it's fair. People will make their own decisions, so it's not right to continue to point out what we don't like in others. If someone is not actually hurting something or someone, are they doing anything wrong? I don't agree with everything that people. I do have a saying. This saying is also tattooed on my chest. "Live and Let Live." I believe live and let live as long as no one is getting hurt in the process. I am not sure if music can actually corrupt a person. I have never met anyone that it has done that to. Music helps people get through the toughest times in their lives, so why take that away from them. I love all kinds of music, and it never corrupted me. I will make it clear for the experience that I felt when my mom took away my music. It made me upset, and it also made me really mad. I was too young to remember any other feelings that I felt at the time.

Update: I started writing my blog before I read the material to the class this week. I also started writing before I watched any of the videos. The end of my blog I bring up the power of music. I don't go too deep into it. But, I believe very deeply that music is the one place that people choose to separate their differences. I am bringing this in as an update after all the readings and videos. This is something that the videos and readings do mention. I am more so meaning the video about music. They talked about how music touches people. I am sure if anyone reads my blog that they know exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about the times where you know exactly what an artist is saying because even you can relate to. It touches to the deepest core of our hearts. It can be sad, and it certainly can be happy thoughts. It can be the moments when our hair stands up on our skins when we just want to dance. The moment where we feel free. The moment where we always want to feel that way. I spin fire. I listen to melodic music when I spin fire. These are the times when I feel so free. These are the times when my energy is the highest. The moments where I hope that other people can feel what I am feeling.

Music is the one thing where people can relate to each other. NF is an artist who has been through some sh**. Excuse my language, but he is so real in his music. We need people like that. People who are not afraid to be themselves. People who aren't afraid to show who they are. I don't think music will corrupt someone. A person has the choice to make a terrible choice. They can choose to be great. But, they can also choose to do terrible things. Society should not blame that on music. 

Favorite Music
I love many types of music. I would say that I love metal and EDM the most. It's funny because those are completely opposite from each other. I have gotten the most looks when it comes to music and screaming. The thing is no one ever pays attention to what words are being spoken. It has been some of the most touching music that I have ever listened to. Metal has gotten me through the toughest times of my life, and it's almost like they knew what I was going through. They knew what mattered to me. They also knew why I was hurting because they have been through it to. I love the clean vocals that are mixed in to. Some of the most beautiful voices that I have ever heard. 

I have lots of favorite artists, but here are some of my favorite. :)

Hawthorne Heights (punk/metal), We Came As Romans (metal), Memphis May Fire (Metal), Blackbear (pop/rap), and Horizons (Metal)

Mitis (Melodic), Illenium (EDM), This Wild Life (acoustic), Skrux (EDM), and A Day to Remember

I would say that it comes down to EDM, metal, and acoustic music for me. I play a little bit of guitar, and the sounds of acoustic always melt my heart. 

I know that was more than asked for, but I love music so much, and I like writing about this topic. Music has gotten me through some pretty tough times in my life. I can't believe that some music as been banned. I don't think that's right. It should fall into the category of freedom of expression. Music is a blessing in my eyes, and it should not be taken away from anyone. It has the ability to bring people together when it comes to love. An example of this would be a rave family. I used to be involved with that stuff, but not so much anymore because I am so focused on school. I do find myself missing it. I miss the family portion of it. I miss the love and acceptance of it. I miss the coming together portion of it. I have never felt so much love when being around those types of people. They are there for the music to. Music is what brings people together, so why try to destroy it? It just does not make any sense to me at all. I went to an Illenium concert back in May. It was in Eugene. I had an amazing time there. I watched the love of the people come together. It hurts to even think that people are trying to take away this stuff. I have not been to many concerts, but I do plan on putting more time aside to go to them in the future. 

TOPIC 2: CAMPUS RADIO -- From time to time students at the college check out the possibility of launching an LBCC radio station.  
LBCC Radio Station

If students want to start a radio station, I think that it is a great idea. It also has pros and cons though. When I think of cons, I think of the paintings in our school. A few terms ago, parents and students had a problem with some of the paintings. I think that this will stir the pot as well. I say go for it. Students should not conform to what society wants. They should get out there and just do it. I am not exactly sure how the students would pull this one off though. I wonder what the station would be like though. Would students be open to all ideas, or just the ones that they want to talk about. Would it be for what is just going on at school? Would it be about the issues going on in the world or locally? Would it turn into a political station like OPB? It could have benefits. This could totally be doable, but I think the students would need to keep a lot in mind. I think the number one to remember is all opinions should matter. No one should just pick out what they like when it comes to LBCC station. If they can keep that in mind, I think that it would be a successful thing. 

I think the best program/format would be the news and a political station. The book discussed the different types of programs, and I think this would make the most sense in a school setting. I think that this would keep the listeners interested, and I also think that it would be a good way for the students to give their own opinions. It would be a way to get our voices heard. OPB would be an example of this type of program. Their listeners call in, and they talk about what they think. I personally enjoy this about OBP. I would get behind our school if this type of radio station existed. It could also open many doors. It could even bring in donations to certain programs. The radio station could advertise in certain areas needed for donations. The other format I think would be good is a top 40 station. But, the book talked about how the radio stations play the same music over and over again. One of the videos that I watched talked about how we will never here a rap song and a country song on the same station. Could LBCC create diversity? We could start a top 40 playlist of all types of music, and it won't favor one genre over another. I assume this is the two types of programs the forum is talking about. It could be called the "top 40 in all genre." The idea may seem silly, but this is what I got as far as programs go. I love music. I also do care about what is going on in the world. If the LBCC ever started a radio station, I would want a political station to be involved. Maybe we could even get an EDM station involved. I love some melodic music. EDM is not something I hear on the radio often, and I think this is something that should be shared more. I can think of tons of amazing music. Music that would give the feeling of love and acceptance. 

Starting a Radio Station at LBCC/Creative Idea
If it was possible, I would ask OBP to advertise it. I would ask if they could try to get the word out. I would also advertise it in local newspaper since this has been a topic in the classroom already.

While taking a break from the blog, I have come back to the creative way to earn money. My creative way is through fire props. If you don't know what that is, you will have to look it up. Look up fire poi. I do fire dancing, and some people do busking. I think that this would be a very wonderful way to bring in donations. But, you would have to get the right people involved. It takes safe people, and it also takes people who know what they are doing. Music would be involved. Music that people love, and it could be a way to advertise music that goes on the radio station. In my mind, I visualize this amazing group of fire performers. Ones who are filled with love and laughter. The type who are warm and welcoming. I would have to show you what I mean. This would be my creative way. LBCC should really have a prop club. I know OSU has one. This is something that a group of fire dancers would have to take on. They could volunteer, but performers usually also want to be paid in the process. I know that people would have a great time watching this, and people would also have a blast. 


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