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A Thought For My Life (something deep that I wrote back in December) The first blog that I ever did when I let no one read. Please do read.

It is known that man-kind feels pain, love, anger, sadness, heartache, happiness, and the list can go on and on, but what makes a person different from another. Is it the color of their skin? Or is it because of their religion? Is it because of where they come from? What makes a person better than another person? Can someone answer something that I often ask? I often find myself around people who think they are better than another human. We label ourselves into a category to think we are better. But, why do we do this? No person ever wishes to feel belittled by another person because of a certain aspect about themselves. What about tattoos and piercings? Because the bible says it is a sin, it makes it wrong for a person to be who they are? A tattoo can have one for many significant meanings. Meanings that another person will never dare to understand. One of the tattoos on my body represents being raped and molested as a child. It is a reminder that I will never give up on my life, and it is a reminder that I can get thru every hard day in my life. But, my grandfather once told me that having tattoos is a sin, and it is wrong to have them. Does this make a person lessor because someone else decided it did? How can one-person place value on my life? How can someone place value on another’s life? What about what belief they follow? I have always been taught we should all love each other, and we should always show compassion to each other. What makes someone different from the east vs. someone from the west? A person once said the U.S should murder everyone in Japan and in the Middle East, and they told me it was the only way. They said because of what happened in Pearl Harbor is the reason why Japan should be bombed. The other person said the Middle East should be bombed because terrorist come over and murder Americans. How can someone stick a whole group of people into one category and say that all of them are a certain way. Even I know that is just not true, and I know this is not the way to solve anything. Did our parents teach us to be kind to others when we were little kids? Did we get in trouble if we bullied or hit another kid? I know in my household we were taught to be kind. But, those are the same people who said America should bomb other countries. These are the same people who taught me to show compassion and love to everyone no matter who a person was or is. To say the whole country of Japan should be bombed because of their leader just does not seem logical or moral. I am stuck on wondering what about every city, state, country that has evil in it. Should those places be wiped out to? I don’t think so because I know there are innocent people who still do love and hold compassion for others. I am left wondering about the children and parents who are innocent who live in a place filled with both evil and good. Do those people deserve to die and why would they? I am very confused on how a person can say that they do. Are these the beliefs within a lot of people? I still cannot understand what makes me better than anyone or anything else. I don’t think I am better than anyone or anything else, and certainly there are many things that I think should be changed. I do believe that one can measure the likelihood of world peace by how people treat animals. If a person cannot value all animals, how could they ever value all humans? I hope to one day see when humans do value all life and not one over another. To change these things, I believe it starts with love and empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand, feel, and view what it is like from another person’s perspective. The world needs to be taught empathy for everyone and everything. It also starts with listening to someone’s heart. No, I am not opening a door where I want someone to bash me for what I am saying. I want people to really listen to what I am saying. I want people to really open their hearts to the words that I have written. I want people to have empathy for the words that I write. The world needs people to open their hearts up to others. What I have seen in my life is that most societies seem to fit people into specific categories. If a person cannot fit into a category, they are even more outcasted than a “abnormal” label. Why can’t a person just have an opinion about something, and why does the opinion seem to make someone who they are. I am sure someone would label myself as a liberal or even a democrat, but I choose not to label myself as anything. I choose to see things for what they really are. Perhaps, I am more open minded then others. I realize that not everyone is bad, and there is a lot of sad things around. Should we start with love and not directly with hate? People who are Muslim for an example. Saying that all people who are Muslim are terrorist. Is it just me who thinks this wrong? Not everyone is like that, and any person could become murderer if they wanted to be one. We look at the clothes someone wears, look at the color of their skin, look at what religion they practice, look at what they can do. We even look at what a person can offer us because it comes down to what our desires and needs are. I do understand that not everyone in this world is seeking self-fulfillment. I just have noticed in life these things end up becoming the only thing that we see. I live in a country where people think we are free, and that we are better then everyone else in the world. I do believe this is a problem because simply it is not true. If a person’s true intentions are to hurt someone, they should be punished, but revenge is not justice. But, how can I define what justice is? An eye for an eye is not a truth. It only brings more pain and taking out people is not justice to me. In the U.S 800,000 people are at risk for leaving the U.S, and the people are also apart of DACA. They are children who were once protected by a former president, but most Americans think they should go back from where they come from. They can be a child that was placed here because of war in their own country. They can be someone who crossed the boarder from Mexico to better their life. Most of them got here because their parents brought them here. Parents that brought their children here at an early age or even still in the womb of their mother. They also did not grow up in where they came from. They don’t remember the place, and they are scared. The question arises again what makes us better then them? My answer is nothing. If they are illegals they should go back even though they fear for their life? What if this was your child? Would you care a little more about these people? A cousin of mine told they broke the law, so they should go back. Many people in this country break laws. Police offers often brutally attack someone to, but they do not get in trouble. I often hear about children being shot because a police officer did not bother to investigate. Did the child deserve to lose their life, and did a 5-year-old deserve to lose his or her life? Yet, the officers who play a role in these cruel intentions do not get in any trouble. Not very often do I hear about an officer shooting someone in the leg to put them down. I often hear how they put multiple shots in the person and killed them. Shoot now and ask questions later once a person is on the ground bleeding out while gasping for their last breath. It does not seem fair, and I know that it is not fair. Are these the things that make us “better”? If the answer is yes, then why? How can taking the life of anyone be better. It teaches us and other people it is okay. I am not oaky with how most Americans treat others. Every bombing that has ever reached my knowledge has been associated with terrorism.  Stating the people are from other countries doing these terrible acts. Any person can do a horrible thing, but the people who do not; they do not deserve punishment. Just the other day I was reading comments about how any police officer who was murder deserved it. It’s like saying every police officer is a bad person. Is every Christian a bad person? Is every Muslim a bad person? Is every Jew a bad person? Is a person of color a bad person? Does it make me a bad person for asking these questions? When someone asks a question that goes against someone else, they often get so offended. Again, what makes you or I better then someone else? Today is Christmas, and I find myself very sad because the same people I have looked up to for all my life think these aspects are the same reason someone should die. Do we really need war to get a point across? I was told because I think our current president is an asshole, so I think my God is an asshole to. Because I don’t agree with the decisions that taken place in the U.S, it makes me a bad person. This is something I simply cannot understand. I believe that we should help each other for a good purpose. If someone is being attack because of their religion, a child perhaps in this case. Another person should help them instead of watching. The same goes for any animal, because animals matter to. To say they are not intelligent is just disheartening to me. I have heard this statement repeatedly. I am no better than any person or animal. No person is better than me or any animal. It just seems so easy to love another sentient being rather than going straight to hate. The world is filled with so much hate, and apparently others think I am wrong, but I base this on how I see others interact with each other. I see hate messages in the media, and I see hate messages about California because their views are different. The state of California is on fire in many places, but other people think we should not help them because they want to sperate from the union. The cruel messages who are directed at people who live in the state have lost their homes, family, towns, forest, and animals, but we should not help them because their views are different. I cannot understand this train of thought from another person. People make terrible decisions, and I do understand this, but not everyone wants to hurt another person. I will ask again what makes you or I better then another person who needs help? Should a person die because they cannot get the proper health care? Should health care be a right or a privilege? Should a child be murdered if sent back to a different country because the U.S does not want to accept them here? Whose hands will that blood be on at that point? There have been several cases where a person has died on the streets during winter because they are homeless and not get care. Society quickly determines its because they are addicted to drugs. I know multiple people understand the cost of living is so high. Should that person who died be blamed or should society be blamed for not helping them? I often find myself wondering these questions. What if it was you who needed help? Maybe you are at a good place in your life where you are happy. Maybe you have healthcare, excellent job, and an education. What if you did not have any of that, and you needed help? What if the tables were turned? What if you were in a country trying to flee away from war, but you cannot because no one would help you? One day can we all learn what empathy is? Can we put ourselves in the shoes of another person? Can we look pass what we have gained in life, and see the suffering of other humans? Where is the love in the world? Has it been forgotten, and can we learn it again? Can we show the same love that we would show for our family for another person who needs that love to? I know that people hold evilness within themselves, and not everyone holds that same evilness. Is it fair to label someone as a liberal, democrat, or even a republican? The same thing goes for someone who is gay, lesbian, and whatever label society puts them in. A person with a disability is often looked as if they are lessor. Do they deserve to be looked as if they are lessor? Does a person who I attend school with deserve to be treated less if they are Muslim? Do they deserve to be looked at as if they are a terrorist in our country? The person you judged for being different already deals with a lot of hate. Why not one more person add to the hate towards them. What about showing compassion for them instead? What about getting to know them? Maybe then we would see how kind the person truly is.  For me, I see no difference. I see a person within who deserves love. I see people who should be treated fairly if they are a good person. How many times in your life have you felt shamed for something about you? How did it make you feel? Did it make you feel better about yourself or did it make you feel like you were different, but not in an effective way? I asked these questions, and I write today because today on a day that is supposed to be filled with love has left me crying. Today, it was said that several other countries should be wiped out because certain things about them that make them different. I found my heart breaking a lot for hearing these words come out of the mouths of people I love so much. Where there is evil there will always be good. Could we see a change in a positive way when we get to know a person, and their true intentions? Will we ever be able to stop and say he/she deserves to be treated fairly and not be discriminated against because they have a quality about them which is different from you or me? I was taught in school about public and private issues that affect families. I was taught about how ableism, racism, religionism, classism, ageism, and genderism are public issues. These things are when a person is favored or discriminated against. They are things that do not meet society norms, but when I talked about these things, someone said it is because the school I go to is liberal. Before, I did not think about these issues much because they were never discussed in my life, but now I see the problems that associated with it. I see how families and an induvial are affected, but to someone else I am wrong for even talking about it. Perhaps, you know just one person who has been affected by these things. Did they cry to you? Did they tell you how they felt? Did you feel their pain while being in the presence of their sadness? Did you want to hurt someone for making your friend feel like they are lessor? So, what makes a difference between your friend and someone who lives in another country? Nothing makes a difference. At the end of the day, they still are a human being who feels pain. They can feel the hate from other people. Can you imagine how that would make you feel if you were in their shoes? Do you still think others should be murdered for being in a different country? Should someone be murdered because their leader is so cruel, and the people who are kind can’t seem to change it? When I was a little girl in school, I was the only white kid in my class. I never seen someone who was Mexican, Native, or African American, as if they were different. I seen a child who deserved to be loved and not treated differently. As a little kid growing up, I suffered tremendous about of pain throughout my life because of the family who brought me up. The same family brought tears to my eyes for many nights. It brought hurt into my heart, and it brought hate into my life. It has brought me many memories I would like to forget about. It brought pain that I wish I never had, but someone once told me to try things a different way because they could see the pain still within my heart. I listened to that voice, and I carried it with me because if it wasn’t for that person, I would not be in the same room with my family on this day. I have tried to learn to get passed this hurt and forgive. I learned to try and love these people again because deep in my heart I still did. Growing up I was taught to love each person. I was taught to help someone when they needed help. I was taught to accept people for them and for certain aspects about them. I was taught that love is what will change all. I have carried this throughout my whole entire life. What life is deemed to be more special than another? What type of people deserve to live over another? What makes a person less valued vs. another person? Can a person’s worth be more than every person? Can someone truly answer these questions and believe it? Love has a ripple effect on everything and hate does to. Ask yourself, do you want to live in a world that passes hate on to another person in any form? At the end of the day the world deserves to be loved because love is what heals all, and these are my thoughts on Christmas day.


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