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I went with Instagram because it was something that I used to get on in the past. I do not use Twitter or Facebook. I did not even want to sign into Instagram. I used it to show makeup photos. 

Things I followed 

  • The New York Times (I use them as a source for all my papers, and I think it is reliable)
  • The Wall Street Journal (I use them as a source for all my papers, and I think it is reliable)
  • #Veganadvocate (Animals deserve equal rights as humans)
  • Vegansoul 
The most interesting thing I found was a picture of two pigs. You could only see their faces. It read
"Think being vegan is difficult? Try being the one on the way to the slaughterhouse."
The picture that I posted is not the one I found on Instagram. I found this one browsing on the internet. 

"Why did that stand out to you?" It stood out to me for numerous reasons. One of the biggest reasons is simple, and it is that I care. The second reason is I hear hateful comments left and right of how being vegan is gross, and that vegan food is gross. How many animals need to die for a humans desire? That's why the post stood out to me. It hurts my heart that people do not care more about animals. A third reason is that  I am always advocating for animals, so this was another post that was advocating for animals. Any post that is advocating for animals will grab my attention. I love animals.

"Do you feel social media has enhanced your ability to take action or participate in democracy, government or other activities? Discuss and give an EXAMPLE."

No! I am actually very happy that this question is being asked in this class. This is something that I kinda dug into during the first week, but I did not want to go deep into it. I was not happy when I found out that we needed to sign up for a social media account. I hate social media with a passion. I can admit that I do think that it has some good points to it, but I do believe there are more bad ones. 

Facebook is the biggest example that I have for you. Facebook is a place where people can bully other people. Social media is where anyone can bully another person behind closed doors. I have experienced it first hand, and I have even experienced this by family members. I am not sure why any family members would do this, but it happened to me probably about five months ago. Anyone who reads my post knows that I advocate for animals. I started doing that a lot. I started joining radical vegan groups, and I can admit some people are even too extreme for me. I posted horrible things on Facebook of what was being done to animals. I started to get bullied by numerous amounts of people. One day I posted something that said "if you contribute to murdering and killing animals, you can't actually say that you care about all animals." That was the day I realized I did not need Facebook to fight for the rights of animals. People don't ever stop and ask questions, but rather go straight to bullying. I deleted my Facebook account about two weeks later, because I was not going to be apart of that sort of hate. I fight for love, compassion, and empathy. I refuse to be hated when it comes to those types of things. I am fighting for the value of a life. I am not fighting for a murderer. I don't need people on Facebook to be hateful. Again, I will answer that question with a no. I have seen a lot of hate come out of social media platforms.

Another example of mine would be politics. I go thru phases where I get super heated about whats going on in the world. I start crying, and I just get so furious that more people are not doing anything about the problems. This is one of those things where I was still fighting for a value of a life, and I would get hate comments and hate messages. I can think of one particular family member that I ended up blocking on Facebook. Every time I ever posted anything all he wanted to do was go against it. It was like he had nothing better to do with his life. I felt harassed. The politic part of it would make me stressed out every time. I started following Trump as well. I would go into his post, and I would read what other people had to say. Hundreds and hundreds of hate comments about people if not thousands. Can people spread love not hate? It seems that people spread hate using social media rather than love. I don't know about others, but I do believe that love has a rippling effect. We should spread it more often. 

Sherry Turkle Ted Talk: My family has never created a device free zone in their home. i don't think that we ever really had that problem. I never had unlimited access to my cell phone as a child. I do remember when my nephew got his first cell phone at the age of 8. I thought that was the craziest and stupidest thing that a parent could ever do. I think that electronics are a problem. I do agree with most of the stuff that Sherry talked about. Humans are being divided by devices. People reach for devices before they ever reach for each other. Face to face communication is vital to are well-being, and I am not sure that many people understand this. Recently, my parents ended Netflix, and I felt upset about that. I finally got over it, and I don't want to watch it. I would rather go outside, or put my focus on more important things like school. One of the biggest issues I was having with Facebook was when I was bored. When I was bored, I would go straight to Facebook. When i was having anxiety attacks, I would also go straight to Facebook. I realize that these things get in the way of my mental health. I can feel it. I am terrible at making friends, and now I am really trying to get passed it. In the past, I would just get on my phone. Let me tell you don't do it. I try to listen to others as much as possible, but sometimes I do want to distract myself by looking at my cell phone. Last night I was on my phone while I was hanging out with my friends. I said sorry to everyone of them, and I made a comment about how this is the new way of hanging out. I do think everyone should put down their phones more often. I know I should out my phone down.

Answering the question about video games, or games on our phones. I do not play video games. I don't even know when I have ever downloaded a video game to my phone. I think I used to play the video game snake on my phone in high school. It was like nine years ago.

I probably spend about between 5 - 10 hours a week on social networking. I am hoping it is more around five though. I have cut back a lot. Sometimes I go thru phases where I do not want to talk to anyone at all. Recently, my friend lectured me on how I need to put in the work to make friends and relationships. This last week I have been trying to make new friends. I wouldn't say that is an online community, but I can say that I am apart of a different online community. I am unable to go into the details of that at the moment. But, I do not see the point wasting time on the internet. I think that I need to get out in the real world. It is so much harder to do it rather than just say it. I feel that one could just go to the bar and make friends. It is not my cup of tea. I really need to be apart of a fire community over in Corvallis though. It is one way I could make friends. 

I spin fire poi, but I don't have any pictures to show. Does anyone play with props in this class?


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