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Showing posts from June, 2018

A Thought For My Life (something deep that I wrote back in December) The first blog that I ever did when I let no one read. Please do read.

It is known that man-kind feels pain, love, anger, sadness, heartache, happiness, and the list can go on and on, but what makes a person different from another. Is it the color of their skin? Or is it because of their religion? Is it because of where they come from? What makes a person better than another person? Can someone answer something that I often ask? I often find myself around people who think they are better than another human. We label ourselves into a category to think we are better. But, why do we do this? No person ever wishes to feel belittled by another person because of a certain aspect about themselves. What about tattoos and piercings? Because the bible says it is a sin, it makes it wrong for a person to be who they are? A tattoo can have one for many significant meanings. Meanings that another person will never dare to understand. One of the tattoos on my body represents being raped and molested as a child. It is a reminder that I will never give up on my life, a...

Topic 2 Forum Week One

When I write papers, the first three sources I go to is New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and sometimes the Oregonian. I consider these to be reliable sources, and I have also found that The New York Times will correct mistakes. They also own up to their mistakes. I particularly like The New York Times more. I have sourced them for the last nine months being a student at LBCC. I have used them to source papers to do with empathy when it comes to animals. I have used them to write about the health risk when it comes to eating meat. I even used them to write my debate topics for COMM 114. I think they are reliable because what is written tends to align with other readings. It is nearly always that this happens. I have also been known to use the Harvard magazine to source things, but they are not my top three sources. It is just one that I use with essays as well. The New York Times always seems to know the hottest topics, and they always have something to say.  I learned ...
My life revolves around my two children. Don't mistake it because they are my children but yet dogs. Everyday I make decisions based on them. They are my world. Their names are Atlas and Talayla. My youngest is Atlas, and he is about 1 year and 4 months. He is the white one. Talayla is going to be turning 4 years old on July 8th. Her birthday is the day before mine.  My name is Sabrina, and I also go by Snowflake because I love to Snowboard. Due to an accident I don't do it anymore because I value my life. I am about to turn 26 on July 9th. I am going to school for a biology degree in hopes to help save endangered species one day. I am vegan, active, and live a healthy lifestyle. My life revolves around my dogs. We do outdoors stuff majority of the time, but school takes up a lot of my time. I do lots of hikes, school, and hang out with my dogs. I am most passionate about my animals, but I am also passionate about sharing my empathy for animals because I ...