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Showing posts from July, 2018


TOPIC 1: FIRST AMENDMENT, COPYRIGHT AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION -- After watching the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," share what you know or have learned about the First Amendment, copyright and freedom of expression. One of the trade-offs of having the First Amendment is that some people push their rights of free expression to the limits, whether it's hounding celebrities for tabloid photos, publicizing extreme points of view, or demonstrating in the manner of the Westboro Baptist Church. I honestly do not know enough about the first amendment. This should be a lesson for me to learn more about it. The biggest thing that I learned through watching this video is that anyone can get in lots of trouble for downloading music.  I found most interesting is the people who got in trouble for downloading music. This is one of the examples that I am citing for the video. At one point in the video a bunch of people popped up on the screen, and they were talking ...

Stephen Rust (Media Films Course) Vocab Project: Due July 23 2018

Jurassic Park & Jurassic Park 3 1) Long Sho t Definition: A  shot in which the camera appears to be fairly far away from the subject being filmed, though special lenses can create the impression of great distance where much less distance exists. Duration: 1:28:19 Remaining (Jurassic Park 3)   Details: This scene was taken into the mountains. It was a long shot because a boy and his mom's boyfriend cut the rope from the boat. The scene shows them flying off into the direction of the mountains. It appears that they look small, and that the distance between the camera and characters is far. It is a lot of distance in between the camera and characters. This makes this particular scene a long shot. As the movie goes on, it continues to show them off into the distance flying.  2) T wo-Shot Definition: w hen a director sets up a two-shot, he or she creates a shot in which two people appear, generally in medium distance or closer, though of course ...

Alita: Blog Project Week Four

Alita is a movie that I have wanted to see for a while. This trailer first showed over a year ago. The anticipation was horrible, and I don't think the movie is out yet. It's about a girl robot, and a man found parts of her body. He put her back together. Later, he brought her back to life, and he became her father one would say. Alita came across as kind, loving, confused, and strong. In the movie she is in love with a human. I picked this as a movie ad because it touched my heart. Even when we don't know who we are, we can still find strength within ourselves. Below I shared a link to the movie trailers. WHO IS ALITA: (WHERE IT COME FROM) Describe The movie ad started out with Alita waking waking up, and saying "I don't mean to be rude, but should I know you?" It goes into the man who found her robot body. He out her back together, but they don...