TOPIC 1: FIRST AMENDMENT, COPYRIGHT AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION -- After watching the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," share what you know or have learned about the First Amendment, copyright and freedom of expression. One of the trade-offs of having the First Amendment is that some people push their rights of free expression to the limits, whether it's hounding celebrities for tabloid photos, publicizing extreme points of view, or demonstrating in the manner of the Westboro Baptist Church. I honestly do not know enough about the first amendment. This should be a lesson for me to learn more about it. The biggest thing that I learned through watching this video is that anyone can get in lots of trouble for downloading music. I found most interesting is the people who got in trouble for downloading music. This is one of the examples that I am citing for the video. At one point in the video a bunch of people popped up on the screen, and they were talking ...