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Forum Week 9

WEEK 9 MEDIA BLOG FORUM QUESTIONS  TOPIC 1: MUSIC'S INFLUENCE --   As the textbook authors have noted: "Throughout its history, popular music has been banned by parents, school officials and even governments under the guise of protecting young people from corrupting influences."  Think about your own experiences in listening to music or seeing it performed. Music Influence as a Child When I was about 8 years old, my brother gave me some CD's. I think that they were Spanish music. I don't believe it was all in English. I will admit it was not appropriate for a child to be listening to. I think he also told me not to tell our mom, so I didn't tell. One day, we were at the doctors office. We were parked in the parking lot. I was just listening to music because that was something I would always do. I would always carry around a CD player and headphones. My mom realized what I had been listening to at the time. She took away the CD, and she got really ...
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TOPIC 1: BANNED BOOKS AND YOUR BOOKSHELF "To Kill a Mocking Bird." This was one of the books that I noticed on the banned list. It quickly struck my attention because I read this book during my 10th year of high school. I remember it being a very heart breaking story, and I think it also made me cry. If I am correct, I also had to write a paper on some of the passages. I think the point of reading this book was the ban on it. This book is placed in the time of the American history when racism was okay. Jim Crow laws was a horrific thing, and it also is not something that anyone should forget about it. I believe the ban on this book wasn't so much of the word choices used, but rather to try and erase the history. I don't believe it should be banned. Students should try to understand some of the things that people of color went through back then. To this day people still treat one another like crap, and this is an example of why we should be treating each other bette...