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           "Drive sober or get pulled over" adds have failed 
Every year we hear an add that comes on the radio that says "don't drink and drive." It says you'll get pulled over and a DUI. It also says that cops are out on the look out during this holiday. One just happened before the forth of July. We hear it on the radio for every holiday that happens in Oregon. I pick this one as a DUD because it is obviously not working. I believe ODOT is the one who advertises it, and they need to do something about it because it's just not working.
Every year I hear the same message over and over again. I typically avoid the roads during this time, but I am not sure if it is because of the add.

This add isn't working, and here is why I think so. This is a message that I hear every year, and drunk drivers are still getting on the road. This message has failed. They need to change their add, or do something where people actually will care.

The target audience are people who like to get drunk on holidays. They are the people who put others in harms way because they want to make the choice of driving while they are intoxicated. They are the ones who would rather drive home instead of calling a cab.

This is a problem that we have seen time over time.
(Here are a couple of Youtube videos that I found of drunk drivers getting pulled over)

The persuasive techniques that are used in the radio add every year is always in the message. "Driver sober or get pulled over." They also say that cops are out on the look out more this year. They say that they have had special training, and cops know what to look for. But, this is the same thing that they say every year. The technique is fear. It is to make people scared that they will get arrested if they go drink and drive. It is not a hidden fear at all. It is an obvious message. You will get pulled over and a DUI.
As I stated earlier, this message has failed. I think it has failed because it is the same message over and over again. But, people are still doing it every holiday. It makes people like me scared to drive on the road during holidays because I am afraid that I am going to get hit by a drunk driver. It is obvious that this is an issue, but they need to do something different to get the message across. Sadly, they are trying to make a change, and I can respect that. But,  it is a DUD in my opinion. 

Adidas (Pollution add)

This add was a women who dives off of cliffs, but it is much deeper than that. Listed above is the URL of the add. It is a beautiful video that captured the beauty of the oceans. It shows what goes into cliff diving, but there is a more important message here. It is about the trash that is within the oceans. This ad is trying to address the problem of the pollution within our oceans. It is about how we need to do something about the trash that is in our oceans.

Target Audience
Everyone on this planet. I can't describe this on a deeper level. This is a problem that everyone is involved in. It is such a simple answer to such a big problem. When saying it like that, it is such a scary thing. Its a video that is trying to get everyone to care about the environment. It is a video that is capturing the beauty of everything around us. We should care, and it is so simple to just say it like that.

Persuasive techniques: Empathy, fear, compassion, seriousness, love, and honesty (emotional branding). I think there were several approaches during this video. It was calm, but yet it was so serious. It wasn't about bashing people for whats going on in our oceans, but its rather wanting people to care about it. It's getting people to care.

I think that this advertisement will work, and I think it may have already. It is a pretty recent video. It came out last month. It is a video by Adidas. It is a very well known brand. I think it is important because they took their brand, and they did something much greater with it. I think that this video will open the hearts of people to care more about out oceans. We need to care about our oceans. As long as the video change one person's heart, it made a difference. If it makes one person pick up trash, it made a difference. I think that was the goal here. I do not believe that video is a failure at all.  


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